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Maternity Training

Trusted to care. 'Designed by Midwives for Mothers’ is more than our strap line. It creates a precedence for our services, enabling us to provide professional services to an organisation’s best assets - their people. We deliver training with conviction, confident in that we have developed unrivalled programmes of corporate education that provide managers and SLT with highly specialised knowledge and skills in a format that is easily accessible depending on the specific needs of your organisation. 

We aren’t training your managers to be midwives, instead we are up-skilling departments, equipping them with toolkits and personalised programmes, so that they can best support their colleagues. Our training programmes are not a ‘nice to have’ they are an essential for companies to say ahead. Women represent 51% of the workforce and 86% of women will be a mother by the time they turn 40. That means that by not thinking about working mums means you're not thinking about 43% of the working population (Careers After Babies, 2023). Improve CSG, bolster EDI incentives, enhance employee development. Increase loyalty, lower sickness absence and attract better female talent.  


🟣 Maternity Training tailored for all employees. Delivered through an Interactive Workshop.

🟣 E-Learning access available for employees for learning and development beyond the workshop.

🟣 Face-to-face and online training options available. 

🟣 Half day or full day workshops.

Optional extras:
‘Return to work ready’ webinars. Content requested by company - can be either employer or employee focussed.  


Parental Leave Support

Understanding people is key. People first is paramount.
We partner with organisations that share these same values. We are lead and driven by wanting to do better for mothers and working parents. 

We don’t take a one sized fits all approach, ever. Our business is based on humble foundations, working with women and families in the most intimate of moments. Supporting individuals through birth and beyond. Recognising and understanding that we all have varying, complex needs.

We remain connected to the human element, connected to what our profession means. Midwife = ‘with woman’. Our understanding therefore of people, your people, your employees is profound. Our facilitators have been chosen for their expertise in delivering training nationally, their wealth of knowledge around maternal health. All have former or current health professional status, so they are in the best position to support your employees when they have questions on the course. 


🟣 Silver Membership:
      'Feeling fit and ready to return to work’ (online course)

🟣 Gold Membership:
     ‘The Postnatal Plan’ concise course
       ‘Adjusting to life as a new parent’ course

Both are online courses. Our 'adjusting to life as a new parent' course has been developed to support partners and includes topics such as:

-How to care effectively for a newborn baby 
-How to physically and mentally manage your new role 
-How to manage your partner’s recovery 

🟣 Platinum Membership:
      ‘The Postnatal Plan’ comprehensive course (choice of online, hybrid or face-to-face sessions)
      'Adjusting to life as a new parent’ course

All E-Book resources included. 

Employees receive automatic enrolment to community support platform.

3.0 - Lotus Learning

E-Learning Packages

Our award-winning courses are a lifeline for new parents, whether it’s the first or third time around! Employees can engage with the classes at their own pace, when is most convenient and comfortable.

Explore a wide range of midwife-led classes, alongside allied health professionals and consultants, to support and guide your colleagues through the most vulnerable phase in their lives. In a world with never enough time, they can now access all the essential, parenting information you need, online, anytime and anywhere. 

There is a lot to try and figure out with a newborn baby and so much conflicting advice, that we wanted to help make the transition into parenthood that little bit easier and less daunting.  The demand for our support continues to be high, particularly as there is little help in the hospital maternity settings and community provisions are scarce. Lotus Maternity Learning has been carefully created to encapsulate all of our help, support, teaching and professional education into a digital format, so that the support mothers and parents desperately need can positively impact more families. Our aim is to support you in raising the next generation and we are with you every single step of the way. 

Designed by Midwives. Recommended by Mums. 


🟣 Improve mental and physical wellbeing of those returning from parental leave. Create/Grow/ Nurture a reliable workforce with reduced absenteeism, increased productivity and greater loyalty.

🟣 Get your employees set up with simple to use, accessible and secure accounts.


Policy Specialists

We don’t believe in box ticking. We shape practices and policies that are right for your organisation. A key strength of our business is our people. Professional clinicians who have a wealth of experience developing and writing organisational policies. We have been able to successfully achieve this within the NHS, an organisation with the most stringent regulations when ratifying policies, guidelines and operational procedures. We’re looking for partners who understand that looking after your people is an investment, and who are eager to learn and improve. We will review and analyse your existing policies, offering a  streamlined service with minimal energy expenditure from our clients.

Effortless and simple. Refreshed, revived and robust policies, built by our professionals for your professionals. 


🟣 We consider context. We are are honest and transparent. We take a holistic approach.

🟣 We collaborate efficiently with either your operations department or HR teams to produce official, easy to implement and manageable policies to support maternal and reproductive health and wellbeing in your workforce.  

🟣 We use industry expertise and insights to create considered frameworks and fit for purpose risk assessments that are effective at best managing the reproductive health needs of your employees.



NTU Enterprise: Best Partnership (May, 2023)
-Awarded by Nottingham Trent University for outstanding practice in corporate training delivery for Lotus Maternity's partnership with ChangeXtra for their line manager training on women's reproductive health through the life course.

Nottingham Alumni Award: Recent Graduate (August, 2022)
-Awarded by the University of Nottingham in recognition of Lotus Maternity and the support provided to women as new parents and as entrepreneurs. Through the Alumni Laureate Awards, the University recognises alumni who have achieved excellence in their chosen field. The awards are made to individuals throughout the world who have made outstanding contributions to their community, have stimulated new ideas and services or have shown exceptional dedication, creativity and leadership.

The Prince's Trust: Nottingham's 30 under 30 (October, 2019)
-Recongising future leaders, change makers and inspirational talent, this award was presented to Lotus Maternity for their innovative postnatal education and support service - The Postnatal Plan. Helping to educate, create communities and provide invaluable health and wellbeing support to countless mothers and families.


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